(yes i was feelin multilingual wen i did it...lol)
....hey gawjeous ppl interested in fashion...firstly fankz 4 droppin by my blog 2 c wot its about...mucho appreciated....basikly ma blog woz thought of out of boredom...buh i fink its a gud idea thoe...all girls luv fashion nd im no exception...i'll try nd not put actual ppl we noe in dis blog so as not 2 cause conflict...buh if i fink ur lukin extremely hawt..i mite just hav 2 put it(wiv ur permission of cos)..dis is strictly a non hatin blog....nd yes i will block ur computer I.P adress if yhu start h8in(basikly u wnt b able 2 acess ma blog 4rm dat computer eva agen)...anywayz fashi all dat...dis blog is all about fashion and cool styles....if yhu've got any request or ideas..feel free 2 ask or tell..
basically im obsessed with fashion and it does make me sad when i see people totally gettin fashion wrong...so i decided since i need 2 occupy myself..i could easily make a fashion blog...hope you enjoy it!!!...
i luv d dress!!!.....