Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The 6Os!!! fashion sense is quite broad and i luv tryin out lots of of ma fave ideas is 2 go back in time and check out wot ma mum(major fashionista) wore in her time and pick out d really nice ones and find similar clothes...i especially luv d 60s coz i reckon dier style den was major sassy!!!

...aime cette robe aka i love this dress!!!.....its inspired by the 60s...d first fin dat caught ma eye about dis dress was d halter neck style..its soo unique...den i saw d boob me...evn if ur flat dis boob line wil make ur boobs look super amazing!!!
dese peep toe shoes were also inspired by d 60s althoe it has a little twist 2 it givin it dat risque look....i luv d fact that dose 5inch heels r d only part of it dats coral...i just luv it!!

Monday, 27 April 2009

High Sreet Rockz!!!!

on saturday ma friend decided to have a last minute get together and i literally had nothing to wear....or maybe i woz lukin 4 a new reason 2 go shopping...but it was so last minute and i resorted to lukin on d high street....i entered New Look(i luv dier shoes) and immediately saw dis dress..of cos i bought it...dey arnt 2 clubbing-like and not tooo cinema-like!!!...due 2 d compliments i thtu it deserved a spot on ma blog just 2 show yhu dnt need 2 splurge 2 luk amazing.....fank yhu New Look!!

ma heels alwayz have to make a statement..i bought dis online buh changed ma outfit so deyve bin sittin in ma closet 4 som tym wen i membad i had dem...i simply teamed it up wiv d dress!!...

Friday, 24 April 2009

Neonlicious!!! quite a fan of neon 2 a certain gives of a sexy vibe when worn i decided 2 do a post on it.....

i absolutely jadore this dress...itz safe but the neon back straps give it an edge.....the bodycon structure would emphasize on the sexy parts of basikly ur waste luks smaller nd ur bum luks bigga..yippeee!!...

i chose dese shoes to bring out the minty bluey colour of the strap althoe magenta shoes would also be ideal...these shoes have a water snake skin and dats always gud for comfort....d slim heel accentuates calves also so if ur calves r on d short side..dis makes ur legs luk longa!!

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

One for d boyz....

i woz accused of being a "sexist" cos ma blog woz about girls bad...i can only talk about wot im used 2..sorry..buh ima try nd c thoe!!!

.....i personally love dis look of Kanye..d shiny waistcoat is wierdly cool if yhu noe wot i min...plz i dint say come clubbin wiv shine shine stil i luv his swag...if im gonna put up anoda post 4 probli wud b a pic of him!! i was bout 2 post dis som1 called me nd was telin me about a nyc gucci shoe he jst bought..nd he sent me a i cud put it here....nd dis is d shoe....d reason i accepted was bcoz i deffo luv dese trainers...dey cool nd not 2 exposey exposey...i mean yhu cant really tell dat dey r gucci unless yhu noe fashion or u luk close..nd 2 me dats ril class!!!

Its Maxi time!!!

If yhu realise summer is comin neara and d sun is i thut....wot wud i wear 2 cruise casually around..den maxis came 2 mind!!!

The first floral maxi is by Coco Ribbon....they tend to be in luv wiv vibrant colours and it shoes int his maxi....itz £575.......d second(top right) one is from my fav shop atm...Monsoon....its less floral..nd its gr8 4 ppl wiv £110....nd d lst one caught my eye jst 4rm d famous New Look and it only £35...

Oli...Oli...Oli.....shoe haven!!!

i luvvvvvvvvv dese shoes.....d colour is extremely vibrant...nd we all noe gladz r in now....dese glam glamz r onli £35...i woz shocked.....if u wanna buy gladz make sure dey make a statement...dis is plain but d colur is SHOCKING!!!.....

The Red Vixen

this dress is plain simple....if yhu hav no boobs i dnt reckon yhu shud go for it thoe....but if yhu do its incredibly gawj..nd d colour red is absolutely fascinating..ts not dull neither is it too bright..but when you walk in2 a club with deffo noe u hav ppls attention..dis dress was £45 pounds at dorothy perkins...*nyc*
here eva longoria,zoe and cheryl are wearing mathew williamson spring collection of the dress....d price of cheryls dress was $1,989....*wow*

Louis Vuitton Ethnic/Spicy sandals